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——小人物 大夢(mèng)想
英語(yǔ)1604班 魏程
英譯指導(dǎo)教師 趙紅霞
Chinese Dream, My Dream
Little Man, Big Dream
In recent years, the Chinese dreamhas always been the people’s hot topic. While talking about Chinese dream , we can always see thepride of the speakers’face which exists on the faces of small vendors, farmerswho are revealed in the new agricultural industrial zone, of course morereflected in contemporary college students who are young and full of youthfulspirit body!
When theGeneral Secretary Xi proposed this new term in 2012 the 18th congress, I, as a junior high schoolstudent,was sitting in front of the television to watch the live broadcast ofthe eighteenth meeting and record the keywords under the pressure of mypolitical teacher. In order to cope with the homework, I wrote the Chinese dreamwhich was repeatedly mentioned in the report as well as its definition andspecific performance: Chinese dream is to achieve the great rejuvenation of thechain, the Chinese nation in modern times is the greatest dream. What apowerful word! General SecretaryXi has a sonorous and forceful firm voice, but I don't feel it and what wouldbe the impact on us? Now, five years has passed, I have grown from ignorantjunior high school student into a hot blooded college students. And now it'salso the nineteen congress, without the teacher's request and without thepressure of homework, I always pay close attention to the development trend ofthe country, the nineteenth major developments and new theories. During thepast five years, Chinese dream, once the distant for me, leaving imprint on ourside, it is in the building of the edifice, in the ongoing efforts of theconstruction site, more is invisible but profoundly affecting our life. If yousimply regarded the Chinese dream as a political slogan, of course, it becomesdull, withered and powerless. What is the Chinese dream? The Chinese dream isactually the life we want!
These years, we are too busy to watch thedevelopment of the city tired to see the sky edifice, fed up with the livelynight scene of debauchery, people always want to find a quiet place to let theimpetuous heart to comfort. My hometown seize the opportunity of development,the city of Xian yang may not be well known in terms of economic development,but its historical value can not be ignored,Inrecent years, not only the emperor's Mausoleum on the tableland of Xian yang isa tourist attraction, but the stone folk village there is also a popular scenicspot today. Fortunately, I was born here, and witnessed its development from a small village in the traditionalagricultural development, has become a national 3A level scenic spots incatering, farming, flower seedlings and the leisure industry for a holiday.When I was a child, my hometown was just a village with muddy roads, poor rentand busy farm work. The grandparents worked hard all day, and the grain pricewas uncertain. In recent years, with the help of the government, thedevelopment of our village is in a unique stone culture and rich land resourcesemerging agricultural park, the government gives a series of support, includingcapital, technology, policy and so on which make the villagers work hard andhappily. Zhou Ling administrative office invited the Architectural Institute ofXi'an University Of Architecture And Technology to make a plan for the wholevillage. The new village design focused on the "strange stone"culture, figuring with the concept of scientific and technologicalenvironmental protection, highlighting the folk customs of the Guanzhong Area,The village built blue tiled inclined roof, waterproofinsulation wall, clean solar energy, 8 degree seismic fortification inGuanzhong folk dwellings; antique stone door, day outside the stone wonders,Guanzhong Folk Museum, village scale signs all the infrastructure in place; Supportingkindergartens, counseling rooms, activity facilities, fitness square, farmbooks and other facilities are available. The water supply network and drainageproject are scientific and perfect; cable TV, broadband and lighting,landscaping, green full coverage, to maximize the realization of housing,employment, medical, education, pension and other aspects of urban and ruralintegration. Today, every household in the villagers lives in two storey villastyle small building, with more happy smile. And when I mention my hometown , Iam full of pride. Perhaps, this is simple Chinese dream for the villagers!
When people are amazed at fast development of China,the dreams of people who work in the streets were ignored which should be aconcrete expression of the grand dream of this country, and their owners arethe true dreamers of the country。
In Jing Chai'sarticle, once she asked an old man,Shesaid: "You had had a lot of setbacks in your life. What do you rely on tokeep you move on as you are young?" The old man told a story that one yearhe went to visit Hebei, and he did not follow the route they planned, then hefound an old farmer on the side of the road to sell his coffin because he wastoo poor to cure. He gave the farmer five hundred Yuan and let the old farmergo back home. He said, "I tell you this story to show you that the thingson the land of China are endless, and do not care about the gains and losses ofa city and a pool." The old man was called Wen Jiabao, former Prime Ministerof People's Republic of China
A country is composed of differentindividuals who created and decided the country. Only one country has peoplewho seek truth, who think independently, who devote himself to the land, whoinsist on working hard even know the world is not perfect. If the country hassuch a fleet of people having such a mind and soul, we can say, we are proud ofour country. Only a national treasure such mind and soul, we can say, we areconfident that tomorrow is better!
The Chinese dream for me, the closest to meis the library. No matter where the library is, the scene of concentration isas if the time has been framed into an instant, and the glimmer of light hasilluminated everyone. As a contemporary college students and we cannot live likeleaders who are always concerned about our country, thinking about thedevelopment of the country, the direction of the future. We just study hardquietly to save the strength. For our continuous improvement, for our successin the examination and excitement, worry about the future of life, and worryfor a good job. But we believe in our vision and ability, believe that thisnation with 1 billion 400 million people and 9 million 600 thousand squarekilometers of the country has its own opportunities. We seldom use such wordsthe ideal, dream, certainly not feel "Chinese dream", not so manyconcepts and vocabulary, even when you finally asked: "how to evaluate theChina dream?", we cannot give a good response, but some people will finallybecome successful through their hard work with ambition and confidence in thefuture.
When you ask me what is the Chinese dream.This is the Chinese dream. The significance of the Chinese dream is the attackof life, the success of the career or the peak of life? The answer is not. Themeaning is merely that makes you believe in yourself, believe that tomorrowwill be better, as long as we work hard. I have never been disappointed withChinese dream, because it not counts on those who just talk with eloquence incopious and fluent, but on those who keep on moving no matter it rains, windsor be in haze.
中國(guó)夢(mèng) 我的夢(mèng)征文07-11