


時間:2024-05-30 18:43:41 話題作文 我要投稿





  We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things.

  Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power, we can help to build our country and enjoy life better. Lastly, in order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk after a day's study. If we do those things well, we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.





  In my 11 years of growing up, I have left a lot of good memories, all of which are stored in my memory wooden box. When I open it, there are many beautiful pictures in it. Each picture is my growing footprints, and each group of footprints is my childhood past.




  Life is like a piece of pure and flawless paper, which cant help but be daubed with colorful brushes, leaving traces and memories. Listen to my father, when I was young, I liked eating small steamed bread best. I often asked my father to buy it from the supermarket in barrels. After I bought it, I put some tea in the spoon and put the small steamed bread in it. Maybe I thought it was delicious on earth at that time. I also loved holding my fathers hand and jumping around the lake. I was always happy at that time. In childhood carefree age, leaving a string of small footprints, but also left my innocent smile.




  Life is a happy poem. There will always be people who condense frustrations and sweat, joy and sorrow into a sentence of passionate words, leaving a happy and scattered little poetic. In my childhood, I loved to sit on my fathers soft and comfortable chair and listen to him telling the fairy tales that I could never tire of hearing again and again. I like to let my father hold me and sit on the balcony, basking in the sun, growing up happily. At that time, I thought my father was the sky, a blue sky that never collapses. I left a string of naughty and precious footprints in my fathers comfortable middle age, leaving my pure and deep intimacy.


  Young people


  Life is a beautiful song, those passion and desire, together into a string of notes, compose our hearts of dreams, outline the blueprint of people. I am growing up, and my father is no longer young. The white hair on my head is very eye-catching against the sun. Dad cant hold me up in a moment because Im growing up. Years do not stay, dad has gradually old, a wrinkle climbed up his forehead. Everything gradually passed away, disappeared without a trace, I grew up in this sad time, left a string of reluctant footprints and tears of regret in my fathers gray hair period.


  I lock this wooden box, it will become my most precious memory.


  In the process of our growth, there are many joys and sorrows. In this process, our children must also have a lot of trouble. Today, I also talk about some of his own troubles.

  I remember on August 15, my classmates and I go to play drift, drift at the sight of the leisure I just boring, so I want to play drift, sergeant sergeant but drift is more than 16 years of age to play, so I have trouble: why kids can't play you want to play. Also, every time I go swimming, will be within the line of sight of adult activities, otherwise, let parents worry! If I were an adult, I can swim in the pool free, in the pool for a few minutes more, this has been my hope. And my first worry is: why can't children.

  Sometimes, my family and I go to the supermarket to buy things, buy too much, my parents let me take a little help, but I haven't go home, it is not enough strength, in the panting, stop-go, dead tired! When I went to skating, encountered a small hill, is being afraid to slipping, afraid to fall injury. After a year, I am just a little bold, slowly slide down. If I were a adult, I can help carry more things home; I can slide down without hesitation. This is my second third worry: strength, courage small.

  The three worry is I grew up the biggest worry. However, these a few troubles will slowly disappear, along with the growth so I have to wait.





  Children’s education has been concerned by the public all the time Most parents expect the school can provide the children a good learning environment and ignore the importance of home education In the school, the teachers pass knowledge and educate them the right value

  Home education is easy to be ignored by most parents, they think it is the teachers’ duty to educate children Parents haven’t set good example for the kids Without love, teenagers won’t grow up as the strong people


  Last week, our teacher gave us a task. We needed to interview some peopleand collect different opinions. At first, I felt it a difficult task, because Iwas such a shy person that I dared not to talk to strangers. In order to finishthe task, I cooperated with my classmates. They helped me to ask people for asecond, then I started to talk with them in a comfortable way. I felt much easedsoon and no longer felt shy. Now I get over my fear and become stronger. This isthe good sign of growing up. I am so thankful to my classmates. Without theirhelp, I won't go that far.


  The transformation of growth, like the emergence of a butterfly from its cocoon, is a long and painful process. However, it is this painful experience that allows us to transform from young pupae into beautiful butterflies to meet new life and new challenges.


  In my growing up, I also went through many metamorphoses. From the initial ignorance, to the later independent thinking; From the first timid, to the later brave and decisive; From the initial dependence on others, to the later independence. Each metamorphosis makes me feel pain and struggle, but it also makes me more mature and confident.


  The process of transformation is not smooth sailing, we need to face many difficulties and setbacks, and we need to constantly challenge ourselves and surpass ourselves. In the process, we may feel lost, confused and even want to give up. However, as long as we can firmly believe and go forward, we will be able to usher in the final victory and growth.


  The growth of metamorphosis is a miracle of life, but also a kind of life is inevitable. It keeps us growing and improving, making us better ourselves. In the coming days, I will continue to maintain the pursuit of growth and love of life, meet new challenges and opportunities, and become a better person.



  when i was growing up, i had an old neighbor named dr. gibbs. he didn’t look like any doctor i’d ever known. he never yelled at us for playing in his yard. i remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than circumstances warranted.

  when dr. gibbs wasn’t saving lives, he was planting trees. his house sat on ten acres, and his life’s goal was to make it a good doctor had some interesting theories concerning plant husbandry. he came from the “no pain, no gain” school of horticulture. he never watered his new trees, which flew in the face of conventional wisdom. once i asked why. he said that watering plants spoiled them, and that if you water them, each successive tree generation will grow weaker and weaker. so you have to make things rough for them and weed out the weenie trees early on.

  he talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots, and how trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots in search of moisture. i took him to mean that deep roots were to be he never watered his trees. he’d plant an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, he’d beat it with a rolled-up newspaper. smack! slap! pow! i asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree’s attention.

  dr. gibbs went to glory a couple of years after i left home. every now and again, i walked by his house and looked at the trees that i’d watched him plant some twenty-five years ago. they’re granite strong now. big and robust. those trees wake up in the morning and beat their chests and drink their coffee black.i planted a couple of trees a few years back. carried water to them for a solid summer. sprayed them. prayed over them. the whole nine yards. two years of coddling has resulted in trees that expect to be waited on hand and foot. whenever a cold wind blows in, they tremble and chatter their branches. sissy trees.

  funny things about those trees of dr. gibbs’. adversity and deprivation seemed to benefit them in ways comfort and ease never y night before i go to bed, i check on my two sons. i stand over them and watch their little bodies, the rising and falling of life within. i often pray for them. mostly i pray that their lives will be easy. but lately i’ve been thinking that it’s time to change my change has to do with the inevitability of cold winds that hit us at the core. i know my children are going to encounter hardship, and i’m praying they won’t be naive. there’s always a cold wind blowing somewhere.

  so i’m changing my prayer. because life is tough, whether we want it to be or not. too many times we pray for ease, but that’s a prayer seldom met. what we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the eternal, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won’t be swept asunder.



  I don't know if it's because I grow up that I will worry, or if I grow up in worry. In a word, worry and growth go hand in hand, just as success always catches a lot of failures.


  If it's not a worry to cry when you are young because you don't get the toys you want, then the real worry is born after school.


  Childhood: Piano and freedom


  I still can't forget that day when my father bought me a Sax under poor financial conditions. He hoped that I could learn to play the same instrument as some children, although I had no interest in it.


  Having lived up to my father's expectations, I am determined to practice my management. But when I became the youngest student in the class, holding a Sax that was not much lighter than myself, I knew that I would pay for it - less than half an hour of practice would make me unable to lift my arms. In the past few months, apart from the deepening of the red mark on the shoulder, the zither technique has not made much progress.


  The grass in the yard has withered and the flowers have withered. In the years that followed, I survived the reproaches of my father, mother and neighbors (probably my "piano sound") with amazing endurance. In the noise of piano practice, my heart is full of anguish and helplessness. I often fantasize about playing with my peers in a beautiful garden to free my tired body. Childhood passes in a kind of boring behavior.


  Finally one day, my father said to me after I finished playing the piano, "don't practice again later." Then lock the piano in the box and never open it again. I stood for a long time, not sure whether to cheer or cry.


  Junior high school: let me see the light again


  There is a door between my parents and me. Every night, if the door is open, I can see the soft light in my parents' room


  When I was a child, the door was open every night. As long as I saw the light, I would not be afraid of being alone.


  After junior high school, my parents closed the door tightly every night to let me focus on my study. I couldn't see the light. When I feel tired in my study, I open that door to feel the warmth brought by my parents, but I see their different vision, so I have to close the door quickly and reopen the book.


  Light, even a little light will dispel the loneliness in my heart, but I can't see it.


  I've been worried about my English performance; I've been distressed by a failed biology test; I've been overwhelmed by the coming Chinese test. The old troubles have just passed, and the new troubles make me work harder to eliminate them.


  Learning is the unity of bitterness and joy. Though the joy of success after countless troubles is short, it is always worth remembering. The countless troubles also recorded the hard work for me.


  I grew up in my troubles, just as I succeeded in countless failures. I am eager to grow, even with a troubled heart.


  Going to high school is my first time to leave home. I have to live in school from Monday to Friday. I like to stay away from my parents for some time, because I can make my own choice and be free to go anywhere. My friends and I like to spend the weekend in the countryside that near the city we live. It is the short travel that I can not only appreciate the beautiful scenery, but also learn to be independent. The things that nature teaches me are a lot.

  I can see from the color of the cloud to predict the weather and the sound of of animals have different meanings. All of these are hard to know from the books. I have my own thinking from these trips, and the way to take care of myself helps me to grow up.


  Growth is not only for the pursuit of a better life and higher achievements, but also a kind of inner wealth and the value of life. The meaning of growth is to make us a thinking, feeling and responsible person.


  Through continuous learning and growth, we can better understand ourselves, others, and life. Growth makes us learn to think and analyze, so that we can better understand ourselves and the world; Growth allows us to feel and express emotions, and to better understand the hearts of others and ourselves; Growth makes us learn to take responsibility and face challenges, so that we can better become a responsible person.


  The process of growth is also a process of constant exploration and practice. By constantly trying new things and experiencing new challenges, we can broaden our horizons, improve our abilities, and enrich our life experiences. Growth makes us learn to explore and practice, so that we can better discover our potential and realize our dreams.




  Stepping into junior high school, I found that there were some troubles in my heart: I was not very satisfied with my appearance, I had a conflict with my best friend, I didn't listen to my teacher's words, what bothered me most was that I had a gap with my parents who loved me most.


  Maybe it's because I'm pursuing an independent and free life; maybe it's because my parents are too strict with me; maybe it's because of my timidity and ignorance; maybe it's because my parents don't understand me at all


  Young people don't work hard, old people are sad! Now I can't breathe because of the pressure of my study. It's so heavy for us to work one by one. The teacher said that if you don't lay a good foundation in the first grade, you can't learn in the second grade. Especially our class, as a good class in our school, is watched by teachers and principals. I have to sit quietly after class. How pitiful. When I got home, my parents were in charge of me. My troubles and my happiness, I dare not talk with my parents.


  When I was in primary school, my parents were always smiling. I talked with them all the time. Now, my parents are always nagging and disturbing. They don't let me listen to pop songs and limit my freedom. We really have nothing to talk about.


  Ah, worry, please tell me when you can leave me


  I don't know if my dream is too far away


  My Dear Friends,

  Reading is very important.We can get knowledge through reading.It can not only open our minds,but also make us cleverer and happier.Our study can be improved if we read more good books.The more we read,the more we will learn and the brighter our future will become.

  However,some students spend much time in listening to music,watching TV or going online to play games.It takes much of their spare time.So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books,especially read classics so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world.

  Let’s start reading now.And let it become a part of our life!







  Lu xun once said, "there is no road in the world, and there are many people who have gone. And my road of growth is not only used in labor and sweat, is a need to be optimistic, need wisdom and moral character, courage is needed to build and become the real belong to your growth path.

  I have been through 14 years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, I miss the little bit of the past. Miss snuggle in the bosom of parents warm, happy feeling, miss listening to the lullaby to enter dreamland of the quiet. Then I was so uninhibited, unconcerned, happy, living in my colorful childhood dream.

  The time passed slowly from my side, I also carried the bag, put on the red scarf to become a young pioneers, from now on, I went into the magic palace. Under the guidance of the teacher, I swim in the sea of knowledge, is very interested in make straight a's, smart studious, I record in the class has been the top spear, have served as a monitor in the class, especially in English for two years in the national Olympic competition, won the first prize, and the certificate, I never proud, is my motivation for learning.

  In the blink of an eye, I bid farewell to the study life of primary school and ushered in the colorful life of junior high school, which also provided me with a broad space for development. Youth road, I never make way for the vacant, ethereal to cover the eyes of the road, I'm going to wave the hand of crayons, one of the struggling to shake, and the flowery youth, and youth fight storm of tenacity, sends the perfection of the world, and "JiaGuang Japanese Jin Lin" optimism. The composition

  Every step of man is writing his own history. Growing up, a growing joy accompany me to spend every minute, every second. But the worry also can let me feel the hardships of life, the pressure of learning, at the same time, it will let me become more strong, have enough confidence and courage, let me to face the test of life, constantly improve themselves, beyond myself.

  Everyone has their own growth path, let me have a common heart, learn to live in the ordinary life, enjoy the growth of all the feelings that brought me. I cannot determine the length of life, but I can extend the width of life. Let my growth path leave a string of wonderful memories!


  Life is like a dream. Life is like a song, when you look back, you will be lingering.

  When we were young, we were our parents' treasure in our hearts, so we were afraid to knock it and touch it. Wherever we are, our parents are a thick barrier, and we are the center of protection. When we grow up and have conflicts and quarrels, we realize that there are no fairy princesses and princes in the world. Everyone is living for life.

  By middle school, studies began to be heavy and the pressure began to grow. Every time I have free time, I like to stay in the warm sunshine, lie on the broad grass, close my eyes, think about the past, think about the future. I suddenly remembered the wish I had made on the merry-go-round, but I haven't realized it yet. I want to finish the work on a whim, but I find that everything has been a matter of the past.

  I have always thought that it is not a big deal to be sick and sick, and treat it with a normal heart. But when the god of death stood before me, I was afraid.

  The darkness of the night, the empty hospital corridors and the hurried footsteps and the lights of the operating room suddenly lit up a strong contrast. Nurse ran in and out hurriedly, uncle shaking hands to take the doctor handed me and surgical critically ill notice consent form, the doctor said the possibility of unexpected beside it, and then to discuss with mother, grandmother, aunt, scattered on the ground in the hallway and surgical critically ill notice form dim light is so dazzling.

  I did not see the last of my grandfather. When I arrived that day, grandpa had left. Suddenly I was very afraid, when I was a child, I had to take me to play and teach me how to read the word. Grandpa should be reluctant to go, such a beautiful world, you how to give up! How can you give up? I haven't grown up yet, how can you give up! The grandfather was lying peacefully in his new clothes, with traces of pain and suffering on his face. My grandmother kept talking about the old story, and my mother and aunt cried all night. Grandpa had experienced so much in his life that he was tired and needed rest. I was relieved. Grandpa will go to heaven, he must rest for a lifetime. I suddenly grew up a lot, have a little feeling for life! Perhaps, everything is predestined, and no one can change...

  There are many experiences in life, some need to be remembered, some to be forgiven, some to be forgotten.

  Person's life can't always be smooth sailing, when one day you was defeated by the cruel reality, to whitewash, even holes, but also can brave stand up, that is the real growth after you.


  How familiar to us is for us, now we are not only growing in the body, but also psychologically grow. I think that we just stepped into the campus or a small furhead that didn't experience the world. Now, all of them fight in the sea, bury their heads, look at the current we and the original, and I really want to send a "boy." The sigh of taste! When I was a child, I looked at the grandfather to hold a blue-and-white tea cup. I bubbled a green tea, rushed into a pot of hot water, looked at the hot tea cup, unknown scent drilled into my nose, teasing me Every wonderful nerve, I think about this east and west is very good. I don't pay attention to my grandfather. I hurriedly sneaked a big mouth. I thought about this thing to taste the jade prick, I don't want to be very good, I have. I hurriedly spit it out, and I ran to play with my mud. After a few years, when I have a lot, I will sit in the balcony again, my grandfather, I have a small picture of my little person, and my grandfather sent: "Shantou, you can still remember What is the taste of this tea? "I looked up, watching grandfather's hot tea cup, as if the bitterness in the water is back to my mouth, Grandpa laughed:" You want to try again, this The taste is definitely better than the time! "I took the letter to the tea cup, carefully drank the mouth, the mouth or the original bitterness, but the detail, it was a good scent, but only in the tip of the tongue After a while, the rest is bitter. I confused to look at Grandpa, he just smiled mysteriously, and he turned his grace of the Beijing chamber. The ceramic tea cup has already been replaced by a set of tea sets that have been sent to Grandpa. When I once again sat on the balcony again, Grandpa sat on the futon and looked up his eyes and enjoyed the sun outside the window. I low my heart. Pen, grandpa suddenly said: "Shantou, remember the cup of tea? Do you want to taste it again?" I looked up, stunned, nodded. So Grampa turned out of the cabinet and made me familiar with the big flower porcelain tea cup, and put a green tea, and rushed a pot of hot water to me. I smented, I only thought that the tea is like It is strong, fine product, the pain in the tea is not as much as the previous two times, more is replaced by the fragrance of the previous product, and staying in the mouth has been longer, Using a word to summarize my idea at the time: hard work. Looking at the hot tea, I think, the tea is still the variety of the year, the tea cup is still the teacup of the year, but because my state of mind is different, natural products have been different from previous tastes through "tea" I think I understand a truth, people are always growing, even if you don't want to grow up, when you put this cup of "tea", you naturally understand what is the taste of growth ...










成長的故事 The Story of Growing Up - 大學英語作文03-03