


時(shí)間:2024-06-13 14:34:55 英語(yǔ)四級(jí)作文 我要投稿





  It is very necessary to employ forei teachers in Chinese universities. Nowadays, and foreiers come to teach in China. Most Chinese agree with this.

  Although or less Chinese stand on each other's side, some people may not realize the advantages of letting forei teachers teach us English: they us impve o English ll, learn about culte and make fends Different fends. First of all, it's very common for Chinese students to be good at wting English s. But if we have foreiers as o English teachers, we can't talk in o daily life, otherwise we can't finish o learning tasks.

  Therefore, in any case, having forei teachers to us speak is the best way to practice o spoken English. Face to face conversation is to correct and correct Second, when we talk to forei teachers, it is easy for us to refer to o own culte and their culte. In order to keep the conversation going, we must do some research to determine whether we know o own culte is correct, and what we don't know.

  To understand and understand their culte, we should also make some preparations In addition, when we talk, we can easily and deeply understand the customs and cultes of other countes. In this way, we can not only make a deep impression on o own country, but also easily learn forei culte before there are forei teachers. Maybe we just see foreiers on TV, let alone talk to them, so all o fends Fends are all Chinese.

  When we have forei teachers, they are not only teachers, but also o fends in class or after class. It is easy for us to make fends with them, so we have not only Chinese fends, but also forei fends. Generally speaking, forei teachers may not be able to us too much in college examinations in China, but they can us with o oral English and baden o hozons as college students.

  What we need is not only to get high marks in the exam, but also some skills and abilities will have practical effects after we finish school, such as impving oral English, understanding cultal knowledge and different fends Fends are very useful, so I think it is absolutely necessary for Chinese universities to employ forei teachers.





  In the 21st century, science and technology is developing in an uNPRecedent way, thus changing our lives in every respect, especially in the way of communication. People have different views regarding whether the way of communication has changed for the better or for the worse.

  Some people hold that technology has made communication ever convenient. In the past, people had to talk face-to-face, which could be very time-consuming. Now, with the advent of smart phones, people no longer communicate in the old ways. Instead, most people text, send voice messages and make video calls through social networking apps such as Wechat. No matter where you are, communication can be done in a blink of the eye.

  However, others regard technology as the culprit behind a decline in face-to-face talking. They believe that the best way of communicating is face-to-face talking for communication. It is not only about languages, but also emotions and feelings. Therefore, people should make the effort to avoid becoming over-reliant on our devices.

  In my perspective, although technology has led to less face-to-face talking, we have to give credit to technology for expanding the comparatively limited communication options we had available in the past. We can still talk to each other in person, but we can also be thankful for the ability to choose when communicating today.


  Rush for Postgraduate Study

  According to the table, it is clear that there is sharp increase in number of postgraduate candidates in x Province from 20xx to 20xx. In 20xx, there were only 1600 candidates participating in the exam. However, 2 years later, the number increased to 5600, and by 20xx it has reached 52000.

  There are many reasons accounting for the great change. Firstly, the tough competition in jthe job market is an important one. The enrollment expansion of universities places a great pressure on the job market, which stimulates many students to turn to further education. Secondly, many students with equivalent education background to college graduates are allowed to apply for postgraduate study. Finally, the society has a greater demand for the postgraduates with the economic development.

  As far as I am concerned, college students should take full account before deciding to fruther their education. For one thing, postgraduate study does not necessarily ensure us a bright future. For another, its a tough process to prepare for the exam for postgraduate study and not everyone can stick it out.



  Frustration is unavoidable in life. Faced withfrustration, some people are defeated while othersconquer it and succeed.In the long history ofhuman beings,many people have set a goodexample for us.

  strong-minded person cannot be defeated is frustration that will breed successZhang Haidi is a case in point. Disabled as she is,she obtained the master degree in Philosophy andacquired four foreign languages.As far as we knowEdison had made experiments for eight thousandtimes on more than seven thousand kinds of

  materials before the electric light was invented.Asthe old saying goes, our greatest glory consists notin falling, but in rising every time we fall.

  Allin all,when the unexpected frustrationcomes, we must set up the courage to conquer it.Furthermore,we shoula learn from our failures sothat we steer ourselves through failures next timeand embark on the road to success.

  In recent years, there are people in expandingnumbers who have participated in the test for civilservants.Millions of students choose civil servant astheir most ideal occupation after graduation.Andamong them, the high-educated, like masters anodoctors, take quite a large percentage.The craze incivil servant test has attracted widespread attention

  The following fundamental causes can accountfor this kind of craze. First and foremost,nowadavscollege students face great employment pressureCivil servant, as one of the most stable professionsin today's China, becomes their preferable choiceMoreover, recently, the welfare and salary of civilservants have been improved greatly, whichundoubtedly attracts many people.Last but noteast, the high social position of civil servants is acrucial factor drawing many people to take part inthe civil servant test.

  In my opinion, this craze in civil servant test willcontinue in the following years.However, from theong run, it does not do good to the development ofour most high quality talents gather in thegovernment departments, it might lead to a wasteof resources.Accordingly, both the individuals and the government should have a more objectiverecognition of the civil servant test cr


  Nowadays there are a lot of fake commodities on the market. They range from daily commodities to expensive goods. They have caused many harms in society.

  First, fake commodities damage the consumers’ interests. In addition, fake commodities affect businessmen and manufacturers, too. Those who have been deceived will be reluctant to consume, which will make business slack. Worst of all, some fake commodities such as medicine, gas cylinder and electric devices will endanger people’s lives and social security.

  There are many ways to eliminate fake commodities but the following ones may be effective. First, the laws of the protection of consumers should be enforced to severely punish those who produce or sell fake commodities. Second, consumers should be taught how to tell good commodities from fake ones. Third, they should be advised to protect their own interests and not to be led astray by false advertisements.

  In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of fake commodities and launch a campaign against them. Only in this way will fake commodities be possibly eliminated from the market in the future.


  With rapid development of computer technology, making friends online has become a hotspot among people, and people’s views about it vary from individual to individual.

  As for me, I would like to make friends in the real life rather than make friends online. Firstly, it is a waste of time to spend too much time in chatting online, and we have no enough time in studying. What’s worse, it does great harm to our health. Secondly the Internet is virtual, and there are all kinds of people in the virtual world. We are likely to be cheated. As a consequence, it will do damage to our property and emotion. Last but not the least, the over-reliance on it will bring about psychological problems. For one thing, we will ignore our real parents and friends. Actually, we are becoming lonely. For another, we may avoid facing the fact.

  In a word, I don’t think that it is wise to make friends online. As an old saying goes great minds think alike, friends are the people who share happy and sorrow with you, not only chat.


  題目:Craze for Civil Service Examinations




  Every year hundreds of thousands of people in China take civil service exams conducted at various levels in the hope of becoming government employees. Among them, college graduates are a fast-growing force that can’t be ignored. The craze for being a civil servant is not limited to liberal arts majors, as it’s also gaining popularity among science and engineering students.

  In the final analysis, this growing trend among the youngsters is mainly attributable to two factors – ambitions and comforts. On one hand, many ambitious college graduates view these exams as a springboard to a higher social status, greater power and prestige, on which many of their other wishes rest. On the other, as being a civil servant generally means a as well stable income, enviable healthcare and pension programmes, as other comforts of life, it’s quite an appealing career option to many people, especially in this age of sluggish world economy.

  Personally, the desire to be a government official is beyond reproach, as the nation and the people do need an injection of new blood into the civil service sectors. The fresh-faced college graduates, armed with lofty ideals, new vision, and strong drive, are undoubtedly among the best candidates.


  Cell Phones.

  As is shown in the chart, cell phones are becoming increasingly popular within China. In 1999, the number of cell phones in use was only 2 million, but in 20xx, the number reaches 5 million. And in the year 20xx, the number has suddenly soared to 9 million. There are many factors contributing to this development. Firstly, a cell phone has no wires and can be carried everywhere easily. Secondly, a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with news, games, music and chat through sending short messages.

  Thirdly, the drop in price and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have made it possible for an average person to make use of cell phone. The wide use of cell phones has made them more and more indispensable in people’s daily life. The functions of the cell phone have made certain people reluctant to separate themselves from their cell phone.


  xxxA new industry developed new stars of dress. You think of kind of Silicon Valley and all those new media industries where you know its actually a virtue not to wear a suit, you know a suits for squares - thats rather old-fashioned language. But you know there is a kind of reaction against the suit, isnt there?xxx

  xxxYeah, I think when we see the 1960s, we see a move towards casualisation. And youre quite right in more formal industries like the law, like banking, people still wear the formal suit. But Silicon Valley, media people like yourself indeed wear open-necked shirts. But even in those areas now with the current difficulty with job market, you find it actually people are dressing flauntily more smartly. They are being a little more cautious. And when you look at the sort of best-dressed man in Britain today, guess what, he is backing a suit.xxx


The university’ s Branch Campuses in Suburban Areas




  In recent years more and more universities have built up their branch campuses in suburban areas. Now it is very difficult to find a university without a branch campus. Maybe no one can tell clearly when the first branch campus came out.But the reasons behind this phenomenon are obvious. Among these reasons, the enrollment expansion of universities plays a very vital role. As more and more freshmen are remitted to universities, the original facilities, including classrooms, apartments, dining houses, laboratories and the like, are not enough any more. What’ smore, the land in the suburb is relatively low in price, which is affordable for most universities. Besides, the quiet environment in suburban areas is more suitable for students to study.

  As a college student, I think, it is necessary and beneficial for many universities to build up a branch campus. However the building of branch campuses brings some problems. For one thing, the students in some branch campuses cannot enjoy good enough facilities and the teachers due to limited resources. For another it leads to less direct communications among teachers and students. Therefore the university should take a full account before it decides to build up a branch campus.


  The shortage of housing is one of the most serious problems facing many big cities in China. Though the government has spent a large sum of money on housing,the investment has not been very resultful and a housing shortage still exists. Two generations sharing one room and newlymarried couples finding it difficult to have a house of their own are still common cases. Housing shortage is a problem that requires an immediate solution.

  People's attitudes towards the solution to the housing problem are different. Some suggest building more tall apartment buildings; others believe that we should develop underground housing areas. I am in favour of the former opinion. For one thing, it is cheaper to build upward than downward. For another, living underground for a long time will do harm to people's health. Above all,people are unwilling to live underground with artificial lighting and they prefer to live normally on the ground to enjoy the sunshine.

  Although there may be some other ways to solve the housing shortage problem, I believe to build more apartment buildings is one of the feasible solutions to the housing problem.


  The chart has clearly revealed the differences between female and male students in their job preferences and choices after graduation.

  The most desired jobs for boys, according to priority, are managers, businessmen and lawyers. Girls also like to pursue these professions, but the percentage drops considerably, compared with the great number of girls who are interested in becoming teachers.

  What has brought about this result? I believe that many girls may prefer the teaching positions because they like to take care of and give guidance to the younger generation, while boys like to become managers and businessmen because they like the idea of standing up to challenges and want to prove that they have it in them to be both socially and financially successful.

  The findings will definitely exert some influence on the university education in China. To better prepare the students for their future jobs, all universities and colleges in China should take into consideration students‘ job preferences, when they design syllabuses and offer courses to their students.


  Teachers Should Put Students First

  "Runner Fan", nickname of Fan Meizhong, who ran out of the classroom leaving his students behind during the May 12 earthquake, has caused a controversy concerning traditional Chinese values. Many people regard his action as wrong and a direct violation of teachers responsibility and I would have to agree with them.

  Firstly, it is the responsibility of a teacher to protect his students safety by la Being concerned solely fol his own life and leaving his students behind while fleeing violates the spirit of the la In an emergency, each teacher is responsible for the direct supervision of his students. Furthermore, it will be of great help if they can direct the evacuation of their students to designated assembly areas in accordance with warning signals and written notification. It is out of the question that they should not remain with their students until rescue crews arrive. Secondly, teachers act as a role model for their students. The Compulsory Education Law does stipulate that “a teacher should be a model of virtue for others and should be devoted to the education of the people." Teachers not only teach students how to think, but also how to behave to support others in society. Fleeing the classroom and leaving the students behind in an emergency sets a bad example for students.

  To conclude, teachers are responsible for students safety in an emergency. Teachers are expected to demonstrate responsible behaviour and they ought to be specifically trained to deal with emergency situations.


  "A new industry developed new stars of dress. You think of kind of Silicon Valley and all those new media industries where you know it's actually a virtue not to wear a suit, you know a suit's for squares - that's rather old-fashioned language. But you know there is a kind of reaction against the suit, isn't there?"

  "Yeah, I think when we see the 1960s, we see a move towards casualisation. And you're quite right in more formal industries like the law, like banking, people still wear the formal suit. But Silicon Valley, media people like yourself indeed wear open-necked shirts. But even in those areas now with the current difficulty with job market, you find it actually people are dressing flauntily more smartly. They are being a little more cautious. And when you look at the sort of best-dressed man in Britain today, guess what, he is backing a suit."


  carelessly utterd,die as soon as born,and in one instant give both hope and fear:

  breathing all contraries with the same wind according to the caprice of the mind.

  but billetdou are constant witnesses,substantial records to eternity;just evidences,who the truth confess,on which the lover safely may rely;theyre serious thoughts,digested and resolvd;and last,when words are into clouds devolvd.










